LIMITED COMPANY SECRETARY Company Secretary Role and Responsibilities

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Every company incorporated in Ireland is required to have a Company Secretary. In cases where a company has a sole Director, the Company Secretary must be a different individual. Alternatively, for companies with two or more Directors, one of the Directors is eligible to fulfil the Secretary role. This position can be held by either an individual aged 18 and above or another company, with the flexibility to include non-EEA residents.

Team collaborating around a desk in an office, indicating commitment to our Nominee Company Secretary service.
Irish Limited Company Secretary Role

Company Secretary Responsibilities

Appointing a Company Secretary is a critical decision for the Directors of Irish companies. It is their responsibility to ensure that the chosen Secretary possesses the necessary skills and resources to effectively fulfil their duties. This includes maintaining vital records as mandated by the Companies Act 2014, such as Registers and Minutes.

Under the Companies Act, while no specific qualifications are mandated for a Company Secretary, there are certain eligibility criteria. The appointed Secretary must be at least 18 years of age and cannot be an undischarged bankrupt. These requirements ensure the Secretary is well-equipped to uphold the legal and administrative responsibilities entrusted to them.

Incorpro can act as the Company Secretary for your business. Simply contact us today, or add the service by checking the box in our Online Registration Form.

Nominee Company Secretary Businesses

Nominee Company Secretary businesses provide the service where they represent your company as its Secretary. Opting for a Nominee Secretary means you can utilise their name for secretarial purposes.

It's crucial to understand that while they represent your business in this capacity, the primary responsibilities, such as filing returns and other statutory obligations, continue to reside with the company's Director(s). This service offers flexibility for companies seeking to streamline their administrative processes while maintaining direct control over compliance duties.

Incorpro has specifically created a body corporate to act as Nominee Company Secretary. We provide clients with the option of using a dedicated entity as the Company Secretary of their company for an annual fee of just €199 + VAT. Explore our Nominee Company Secretary Service today!

Changing Company Secretary

Changing your Company’s Secretary is a straightforward process. It can be done online by filing Form B10 and it must be submitted within 14 days of the change to ensure compliance with corporate governance regulations. This flexibility allows your business to adapt as needed, ensuring that your Secretarial Role is always aligned with your company's current needs and structure.

Further Guidance and Assistance

Should you have any queries or require assistance with your Accounting and Tax needs, our dedicated team at Incorpro is here to help. Connect with us by calling 01-4429409, or visit our Contact Page for more ways to get in touch. Stay updated and engaged by following our Social Media Pages on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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